Saturday, October 26, 2013

Game level design diary two

Hello again bloggers!

So I've been considering my choices and weighing what i'd prefer since my last post. It's been pretty hard to decide, but recently a friend told me about a technique used in forms of art called "Juxtaposition" Juxtaposition is when two things of the opposite are put side by side to create a representation of something, for example white being next to black: The white representing good while the black represents evil. Here's a good example i found, the tank representing power and destruction while the toy bike represents innocence and happiness:

I've decided to use juxtaposition in my level by having a snowy part of the map which leads into a volcanic part. The snowy part of the level may represent that this part of the map is safe and make the player feel more comfortable while the Volcanic part will represent danger and try to make the player feel less at ease.

I hope you enjoyed diary entry two bloggers, until next time!

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