Thursday, October 31, 2013

Game level design diary eight

Hi bloggers!

So for this entry I've updated the map since I last posted and am posting some images for you to see. Here take a look:

Since my last update on the map as you can see I've made a lot of progress. I've made the volcano and shaped out the river, and even started to paint textures onto it.

Thats it for now bloggers, cya!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Game level design diary seven

Hello again!

In this diary entry I've started building the level. Here's some images from it so far:

As you can see the mountains on the border of the map have been done but  there is still much more to do. I'll be sure to keep posting with updates in the future.

Thanks for reading.

Game level design diary six

What'sup bloggers!

I decided my map wasn't covering enough ground so i decided to update it. Here it is:

As you can see I've added in some mountains to be put in the distance. I've also added in a tunnel from which the player starts at which will give some explanation instead of just off the side of the map (which would look terrible).

That's all for now bloggers! until next time.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Game level design diary five

Hello again bloggers!

I've started collecting some textures and turning them into tiles. so far at the moment I've only collected a few, but my collection will grow fast. I've also started making normal maps from the textures. Here's some of what I've got at the moment:

This is the lava texture I've chosen it suits the needs of looking like loose volatile lava with high viscosity.


I chose this volcanic rock texture, it makes the volcanic part of the map look darker and more dangerous.

These textures are just some of the ones i have so far, i'll likely update in the future about some more if i find them worth it. As for now bloggers, goodbye!

Game level design diary four

Hello yet again bloggers!

I've finally completed a rough map of how I want to lay out my level. Here's the map:

As you can see its just very rough sketch i did in pencil and scanned, but it'll guide me how it needs to. I hope it turns out alright as a finished product. I've also started looking into some textures which i'll talk more about in my next blog when I've done that a bit more.

For now that's all bloggers, Bye!

Game level design diary three

Hey bloggers!

Since the last post I've been brainstorming ideas for how I can incorporate juxtaposition into my level. Its still in progress but I've also been collecting images that i can use to refer to so i can see how i want to create certain parts. These are just some of the volcanic images I've collected:

Some of these aren't real but i really like how they look and the lava rivers are something i really want to incorporate into my level. The lava used in these is lava that has more viscosity which means it is thinner and flows faster, it also means that it is more volatile and dangerous, when i texture the lava this is the type I've decided would look best.

These are some of the snow images I've collected:

Since I want to include a volcano into my level I likely won't be able to include any snowy mountains up close but may include them in the distance. I plan to include some high rise snowy areas which will have cliffs. These images show many rocky cliffs that i have used for inspiration and the trees, i'd like to include in some of the flatter areas.

I hope you enjoyed reading this entry bloggers, I look forward to entry four!

Game level design diary two

Hello again bloggers!

So I've been considering my choices and weighing what i'd prefer since my last post. It's been pretty hard to decide, but recently a friend told me about a technique used in forms of art called "Juxtaposition" Juxtaposition is when two things of the opposite are put side by side to create a representation of something, for example white being next to black: The white representing good while the black represents evil. Here's a good example i found, the tank representing power and destruction while the toy bike represents innocence and happiness:

I've decided to use juxtaposition in my level by having a snowy part of the map which leads into a volcanic part. The snowy part of the level may represent that this part of the map is safe and make the player feel more comfortable while the Volcanic part will represent danger and try to make the player feel less at ease.

I hope you enjoyed diary entry two bloggers, until next time!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Game level design diary one


Over the next few weeks i'll be updating my blog with posts about my level design. Any feedback is welcome.

I've begun by brainstorming my level and what I will use in it. The main theme that is stuck in my head that I really like is either a snow or lava based level. I was thinking maybe for a lava based level I could have rivers of lava with dangerous bridges to cross and a volcano that you could climb to the top of, i'd put maybe some sort of building overhanging the volatile lava at the top of the volcano. Some inspiration for this came from the volcano "Krakatoa" in Indonesia:


 But i also really like The idea of snowy mountains with steep cliffs with vast lookout points and ice caves that you could explore, maybe log cabins on steep slopes above the clouds and thick pinewood forests. I grew my inspiration for this from hearing about a friends holiday to Mont Blanc in the Swiss alps:

I'll hopefully post what i come up with in my next level design diary. Thanks for reading bloggers!