Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Game level design diary nineteen

Hello again.

My level has now been uploaded and is awaiting marking. Overall i'm not all too happy with the level, with time it could be good but at the moment is lacking assets in the level. It looks very empty and I really want to put in maybe some more patches of lava and big boulders and trees to fill in the gaps. Also some of the textures on some of the assets could really use a re-touch as they are a bit messy. also if I had more time i'd like to put some particle effects in on parts of  the lava to make it look more interesting. Another thing i'd add in would be more lighting in certain areas such as inside the buildings, so that you can actually see inside them properly. also another thing that could be done is that the land texturing could be neatened up a lot as it is very messy.

The basic design of the level and if worked on much more it could look very nice. Maybe in the future i'll look into it but for-now thanks for reading.

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